What is Successful Outreach Strategies?

Successful Outreach Strategies (SOS) is an ongoing training opportunity blending both online training with optional in-person co-learning and networking opportunities. Session content will be offered virtually every 4-6 weeks. To re-enforce learning and application, an optional opportunity to meet in person will be held to delve into the content a bit more, identify “real time/real work” opportunities for participants to apply the skills, and work with colleagues to design the application. 

Why is Successful Outreach Strategies being offered?

LGU partners have asked for additional training to focus on developing the outreach skills necessary for creating “buy in” to programs to increase adoption and implementation, as well as the opportunity to create a network of colleagues who are also doing this work. Terms such as civic engagement, public participation and public engagement have also been used to describe this “people side” of natural resources work. The Successful Outreach Strategies training opportunity will help to strengthen the skills needed to effectively reach out to and work with people.

Successful Outreach Strategies Goal:

The goal of BWSR’s Successful Outreach Strategies is to offer a convenient training opportunity for local government staff by providing online training for local government staff to increase knowledge and skill development in outreach and provide an opportunity for a co-learning and networking.

Guiding Principles

  • To be practical training for local government staff to support their natural resource work.
  • To provide convenient access to relevant training.
  • To enhance knowledge and skills in outreach efforts associated with natural resource work.

Training Opportunities

Hold the dates for the next two online training sessions for Successful Outreach Strategies 

  • May 29, 9-10:30 a.m. – Registration link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/BWSR1/SuccessfulOutreachStrategiesSuccessfulMarketingStrategiesForSellingConservation
    • Successful Marketing Strategies for Selling Conservation: Learn the basics of marketing conservation programs in this session geared toward small organizations that may not have dedicated marketing and communications staff. The Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources’ (BWSR) Communications Coordinator Mary Juhl will cover marketing basics such as tailoring content to specific audiences, plain language tips and effective ways to streamline content creation. This training will include overviews of tools and resources your organization can use to make your marketing efforts faster, simpler, and more effective.
  • June 26, 9-10:30 a.m. – Topic on Written Communication. More information in late May when registration will open.