Administrative guidelines for implementation of MN Statutes Section 282.018, subd 2, and 103F.535, regarding county sale, exchange, or transfer of tax forfeit lands
As a result of Governor Arne Carlson’s “No – Net Loss” Wetlands Policy in 1991, Executive Order 91-3; and 1991 Laws of Minnesota Ch. 354, Art. 10, Sec. 9, amending MS 282.018, subd. 2 and MS 103F.535; state lands offered for sale, transfer or exchange that contain non-forested marginal lands or wetlands must be withdrawn from sale unless a restrictive covenant is placed on the deed that restricts these lands from being enrolled in a State program that provides payment to landowners for conserving these lands.
Local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) are asked to make these wetland and non-forested marginal land determinations for their respective counties when requested.
General steps in the process to determine the presence of non-forested marginal lands and/or wetlands on tax forfeit lands being offered for sale, and notifying prospective purchasers:
- The County with tax forfeit land to sell, exchange or transfer determines that it is saleable and not legally exempt by statute.
- For all non-exempt parcels the County requests a determination of the existence of wetlands or marginal non-forested lands on the tract to be sold from the SWCD or County Land Commissioner.
- The SWCD or County Land Commissioner completes the determination using the Notice To Prospective Purchasers/Owners Of State Land form. This form provides the required notice to prospective purchasers that there will be a deed restriction prohibiting the enrollment of the parcel into any state program that provides compensation for conservation of marginal non-forested lands or wetlands.
- The SWCD or Land Commissioner returns the completed and signed form to the County.
- The County includes the completed form in the file for each non-exempt land parcel to be sold.
- The County completes the list of sale parcels for DNR approval.
- The County receives DNR approval.
- The County holds the sale of tax forfeit lands.
- For each parcel sold, the County submits a completed MN Dept. of Revenue certification form.
- The MN Dept. of Revenue completes the deed for the parcels sold that contains the deed restriction language.