Continuous Living Cover 101, available from Green Lands Blue Waters, is a self paced, online course for agricultural, conservation, and technical assistance professionals. This training introduces the concept, describes five basic strategies (annuals + cover crops, agroforestry, perennial grains, perennial forage and grazing, and perennial biomass) to achieve CLC, and goes over economic and environmental benefits with on-farm examples. It also covers how to talk to farmers and support them in choosing and implementing CLC strategies.

The course requires about 3 hours of time to complete, and users can take the course at their own pace and save progress to return to it later. The course is divided into six modules with short quizzes, real-life examples, and resource recommendations throughout. 

Basic Tech Skills (Matrix)
Ag & Agronomy
Online Course

Green Lands Blue Waters

3 hours
Training Type
Online Learning

United States


This course was developed in partnership with the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever, and Wisconsin Land and Water, and was reviewed by farmers and subject matter experts.